Personal Stories

The goal of this website is to assist spreading the 'not for human consumption message' that these popper companies have on their websites despite their marketing suggesting otherwise.  We are attempting to spread the word about the health risks associated with using Poppers - With our website and reach so far we have already had people connecting their eye sight issues, tinnitus, mental health issues as well as tremors with their use of Poppers.  These stories are from real people that have wanted to share their message despite being led to believe poppers is harmless.

If you are a popper user you have a right to know the dangers associated with breathing in a solvent without their being any agenda behind it.

This is my story that I would like to let people know regarding my experience with Poppers.  You can choose to scoff at this article or you can appreciate that someone is trying to warn people about the dangers they are involved with sniffing poppers.  I've never used any other drugs before and I don't smoke or drink.  In May of 2020 I had a session of sniffing a Jungle Juice branded popper. It was a full sleeve product and identical looking to the current picture as on their website.

About 1 hour after inhaling this product I started to feel slightly dizzy while standing up. Over the next couple of weeks the dizziness didn't go away but got worse. I also started having an itchy face and would have to constantly scratch myself.

Following on from this I then also had an electrical buzz in my head which also produces a vibration which in turn prevents me from getting natural sleep. My eye sight in turn has also been effected. I'm sensitive to bright lights now and I have trouble focusing on faces or anything with small detail from a distance.  I previously had 20/20 vision in my eyes.

Occasionally I'll also have a numbness of my fingers as well as hands and other parts of my body including my face. Throughout my time with using poppers, I had only heard from one person who said they had issues with their eye sight however I was always led to believe from my fellow peers that it was safe seeing almost everyone in the gay community was using poppers and besides if there was a danger - wouldn't you read about it more often.

Close to 12 months later and I still have this electrical hissing sound in my head. It is honestly suicidal. It never stops. It keeps going and going and there is no peace it is constant torment.  It would be enough to drive anyone to suicide.  I have been advised that I have an aquired brain injury as a result of using poppers (a solvent).

I had no health problems before using this drug.  There is not a lot of information out there and long term affects of poppers apart from the occasional issue about eye sight which still half the community does not even know about either.

I want to do everything I can to warn people about the dangers of this drug but also call it for what it is - solvent abuse. If your the type of person who googles everything try googling solvent abuse or chroming - you will find a lot more relevant articles to assist you with the risk factors associated with sniffing solvent then you will looking up poppers risks. Poppers is a solvent (leather cleaner, VHS tape cleaner) and it's not usually the same chemical that was used for Angina in a medical situations but regardless with no regulation you really don't know what your sniffing.

I intend to share this website around as much as I can to warn people who use this drug drug that it's not 'harmless'.  I have since not been able to go back to work.  Literally walking around my house, or any activity involving lifting things or anything of a physical nature becomes mentally exhausting to me, it's like I have to think about every physical action I do and It's exhausting for my brain.  Even carrying on a conversation with someone takes so much brain power for me to mentally focus on - it's almost as though my head is on a constant buzz and everything apart from sitting there and listening to the buzzing sound is exhausting to do but then even sitting there or laying down is torment as well.

My only hope is that eventually my condition will improve - but I also understand that it may never get better.  It's already been over 11 months and I have spoken to multiple people that have had Tinnitus or permanent eye damage as a result of using poppers.  I've tried to put warnings about this on popper related websites - however it usually get's deleted or I get shadow banned (When it looks to me like it's still up, but won't appear to others).  There seems to be select groups of people that are trying to prevent people from seeing the damage done by poppers purely because they have been doing it for years without an issue.  Unfortunately this seems to be coming from the older generation of gay guys that seem to be encouraging the younger generation to get involved with this drug.

Unfortunately locker room media had no interest in assisting whatsoever and have ignored emails about exactly what is in their product even when I emailed them requesting my doctor had asked about what was in their product - they ignored that email completely. They have a big disclaimer on their website though warning about inhaling this drug - so they obviously know it is not good for you - however their marketing would suggest they they are aware of what people do with their product which is why they have so many varieties to choose from.  They also have marketing stating that their product is for 'Men in the know'.   Surely cleaning leather wouldn't involve this many choices to clean leather or VHS tapes with.

So I stand in unity with them and their disclaimer and warn people about the dangers of using this product by inhaling it.  Just check how serious their disclaimer is and you begin to understand that it's no good for you to sniff.  If you've ever thrown out amyl and said no more - you know that it's not healthy. The amount of so called resources that mention that it's not psychologically addictive is also incorrect.  If you are a popper user or have used them before - you know full well that it is addictive and for some people they can't have sex without being under the influence of poppers.  Once again this seems to be another 'lie' that people are told to normalise the use of poppers.

The gay community seems to protect this drug just as much as their rights by believing that this is a part of their scene and culture.  It's a brown bottle that you really have no idea what your getting and is  just like a lucky dip.  There is no transparency and there is no information about how pure the chemical is actually in the bottle.  Check out my page on Locker room marketing when I tried to email them about what was in their bottles along with their Australian distributor.  They literally have no interest in even responding, they have no interest at all. They have their disclaimer on their website informing you of the consequences however the majority of queer minded people which is who this product is targeted towards really don't have any idea the dangers of using this.

If you've ever heard the analogy of the bowl of M&M's which are fine but 1% of them are poisoned would you take the risk and eat some M&M's knowing that 99% are fine but 1% are poisoned?  The same analogy should be applied to the poppers that are out there and not knowing what exactly you are inhaling.  Ask yourself - Is your eye sight, your brain or your peace of mind worth the intoxicating effect of a poison's brief 30 second high.  You have one shot of life there is no second chance.  Do you really want to inhaling solvents? Even the most hardened drug users warn about the dangers of sniffing inhalants / chroming because it's one of the most damaging things you can do.  It literally melts the brain like dissolving plastic.  This is not a gay rights issue, this is simply a warning for people to not undermine the seriousness of sniffing poppers. I wish someone had warned me all those years ago but instead everyone said that it is safe and they've never had any issues, it was only after I had my problems that I begun researching and discovered the issues that some people are having it was really alarming all the while these companies continue to sell it as leather cleaners.

Please, don't ruin your life by using an inhalant there is nothing for me to gain with this website but a warning to people out of love. Please get the word out there. If your dependent on a drug to have sex and to connect with people you might have yourself an unhealthy addiction that may cost you your peace of mind and health.  Coming from someone who is living in torment every single day having this constant sound in my head.  Please stop using Poppers.  Encourage others to stop it as well and point them to the site so at least they are aware of the dangers.  If you have got some spare time google "Joe Miller Poppers".

Let's give these companies the finger and say we won't be taken as a fool anymore and we really don't believe that they are under the impression that they are selling their products to Gay men who have an obsession with polishing their leather harnesses in night clubs, an ongoing nostalgic use of VCRs, and wanting their home to smell like a pungent volatile substance such as dirty socks.

Together we can warn other people about the dangers of poppers and call it for what it is - Solvent Abuse!

Ex-Jungle Juice User

I was 17 years old and I had watched a lot of porn on Xtube when I first discovered poppers.  Usually during watching these encounters I had seen both the guys / girls inhaling something from a small bottle in their videos.  I would also like hearing them edge each other on to continue sniffing poppers while they were having sex, encouraging others to have longer and harder sniffs. 

It was 2012, when reddit was only used by nerds, before there was such a “poppers boom” outside of the gay community. Back then, poppers were still a small niche, mostly used by gay men for anal sex or taking big toys and absolutely unknown in the heteronormative, straight world.

I ordered some poppers online. I didn’t know any gay people doing poppers in the small town I grew up so I didn’t know anybody in real life who knew about it.

I read the risks and side effects online. I read that poppers are one of the safest drugs there are. They would be much safer than alcohol in comparison. Common side effects would include headaches and if you drink them you’d get methemoglobinemia, a serious emergency condition. They wouldn’t be physically addictive and the psychological addiction would just be disinterest in sex without poppers.

So I thought: “Doesn’t sound too dangerous. Let’s try”.

Shortly after I started huffing poppers for the first time back in 2012, I noticed severe health issues. I had chronic headaches, so strong I wasn’t able to study at all. As a high school student who had their last exams a few months later, this was an issue.

I also had a very loud ear ringing, or also called tinnitus, which I didn’t link to poppers usage until 2021 when I read a story from another guy who had this right after they started huffing poppers. On my left ear it is a dark humming, on my right ear a high pitched beeping. I wasn’t able to sleep, I’ve been to many doctors, to a neurologist and even did an MRI in 2013. The MRI didn’t show any tumours or any other diseases.

Not a single doctor was able to help me.

My high school degree was fucked, because I wasn’t able to concentrate.

My tinnitus is unchanged, even after 9 years.

But I didn’t sniff that much, honestly. Maybe one 9ml bottle per month.

My life sucked suddenly, I lacked motivation, I was suicidal due to the ear ringing especially, I had fatigue, however I thought it might be the lack of vitamin B12. This indeed can cause such issues. Poppers destroy your red blood cells and to produce them your body needs iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. That’s why you should really supplement all of these three if you sniff poppers. Make a blood test with these things if in doubt.

I started university (in my country you can study a few majors with a bad high school degree). I usually slept during class, as I still lacked motivation and had strong fatigue. I was still huffing poppers, because I didn’t link my health issues to them. I didn’t manage to learn enough though;

I postponed some exams to the next semesters which I failed three times in the seventh semester finally and by this I dropped from university.  Poppers made me dumb and unable to concentrate. I didn’t pass exams anymore. I dropped from university in 2016.

I stopped poppers in 2016 right after I had an overdose. My leg muscles became so weak I wasn’t able to hold my body anymore. I fell on the floor with my shoulders and it’s a big surprise I’m still alive. Had I fell on the radiator 10cm away from my head, I would have bled to death in my single apartment.

I told myself: This was it. I start a new life as long as I’m still able to.  I threw all my poppers away.  I was 21 and I changed everything in my life. I moved to my best friends’ flat and they supported me a lot and I still can’t put into words how thankful I am for their support. I was looking for new universities or colleges to start studying again, I also thought about an apprenticeship as universities seemed to be too complicated.

I tried studying again, but wasn’t able to. I didn’t understand simple stuff, wasn’t able to concentrate and my memorising skills sucked ass.  At the age of 22, I finally found a partner for the first time in my life and moved in with her.  I lost a lot of weight during my addiction, she helped me gaining weight and cooked for me.  My depressions / withdrawals / anxiety were so strong, I didn’t do groceries, didn’t cook and couldn’t even make a toast or sandwich. My BMI was 16.

Years later, in 2018 I found a harm-reduction subreddit called ********* that gave you instructions on how to create your own poppers and discouraged buying store brought poppers as they said you can’t trust the manufacturers about which alkyl nitrite actually is in the bottle (you honestly don't know if it's pentyl, amyl, isobutyl or propyl).

The poppers you can buy tend to give you nasty side effects like annoying headaches or a weird feeling in your throat. It’s usually because the alkyl nitrite has degraded and broke down to alkyl nitrates, NOx and other stuff that you don’t want to sniff. That’s why you should never inhale just after opening the bottle. Especially not if you heard a hissing sound when opening it.

I started making my own poppers, professionally, with expensive equipment. It was not until 2021 that I realised my neurological issues were caused by poppers by googling for “poppers muscle twitching” and finding out that I was not the only person with these issues. I was also able to link many issues directly to poppers.

The ear-ringing / tinnitus I had in 2013, shortly after sniffing poppers, I didn’t link it to poppers until now. I also looked up my diary and read about my concentration issues back in 2013 and the assumption that poppers caused them. I was also able to link the tremors already that I had all the way back then.  We assumed it would’ve been just the lack of vitamin B12 (that poppers caused in the first place). However, meanwhile I understood it’s not about the vitamins.

It’s 2021, I’m 26 and still wrecked, not even able to work half time.

I still suffer from a loud, annoying tinnitus, muscle twitching, I barely have any motivation, I mostly lie around and see days passing, still fatigue, still wasted every day.

I would have never done poppers had I known they can cause such severe neurological problems.

I didn't do any hard drugs, I smoked pot here and there and drank a bit of alcohol at parties, but I never had any other drug addictions.  The problem is that with not a lot of information online linking these issues together – it was only after I discovered this website that I was able to make the link between them and then more and more things fell into place.


Thank you for reading my story.

Ex-Rush User

Hi, I came across your webiste and I felt speechless after i read all the articles on your site, it touched me alot and made me cry.  What you write about has been the my life story.  What you say is true.  But I realised this too late.

I have plenty of damage in both my brain as well as my eyes.  I've lost my job and my life has been miserable since I became a victim to poppers.  My symptoms are that I have severe damage in my brain which is shown on an EEG test that I've included in my email to you.  I have depression, anxiety, tension, panic attacks, phobia's as well as Suicidal thoughts.  I have floaters in my eyes and then have now had a stroke and have paralysis in the left half of my face.  I feel as though I am living like a corpse that just breathes.  I never thought there was an issue because poppers are legal in London and thought that if I haven't seen any warnings that it must be OK but how wrong I was.  I have now lost my life which is viewable in the images that I have attached to this email.  It has destroyed my thinking, concetration, daily actions, initiative and my learning.  I feel very tired and very angry all the time, we only have one life and I have wasted it for a very silly reason.  Please respect my privacy but I would like you to include my story on your website to let those people who doubt what you are doing.

Ex-Popper User

30 year old male here, 230lbs. About a year ago I began abusing an inhalant called "poppers" while I was depressed. Poppers were originally amyl nitrite but most sold now are now isobutyl nitrite. They are sold in small glass bottles at sex shops. I had used them sporadically before, but only last year did I begin heavily using them. I would say I was sniffing them at least a half hour a day (sometimes split up) maybe five days a week. Each "sniff" only lasts maybe a minute or less. So over the course of the hour I could have been sniffing 50 times or so with regular breathing in between sniffs. About six months ago I began having some small neurological problems. I had some myoclonic jerks, and some hand muscle twitching and muscle tensing. I stopped the poppers and actually went to a neurologist and explained everything to him. He did a few physical tests and told me he did not think I did any long term damage, nor did he think I had any severe neurological issues like ALS. I believe his official diagnosis was benign fasciculation syndrome and myoclonic jerks. He said I shouldn't be too worried. I stopped the poppers at that point but the twitching continued for the last six months. I was also on Prozac and Vyvanse at the time, so it could have been related to that as well. It was never too bothersome up until about three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago I began getting headaches, slight instances of dizziness, and some increased twitching. I had a brain MRI which came back clear. The headaches and dizziness seem to have subsided but what I am left with are very subtle hand tremors and twitching. I can't see my hand tremor, it just feels like it is shaking a bit. It only last a few seconds at a time. Nothing too scary, just an annoyance at this point. Sometimes it feels like the muscles in my left hand are pulsing. Sometimes the fingers twitch a tiny bit; I have double clicked a mouse when I only meant to single click. It seems to be worse on my left side.

One weird complication is Vyvanse. I started taking it again a few days ago and it made the tremors much worse. I have now stopped taking it. I read that Parkinson's is dependent on the dopamine system which is what Vyvanse affects as well. I have very high anxiety and now am in constant fear that the poppers have given me a severe nuerological disorder or nerve damage. I am thinking about going back to the nuerologist but I think he will say my symptoms are still to little to be concerned about. Any opinion would be most appreciated. I know this is a very weird case but I really can't stop worrying now. (source Reddit)

Ex-Popper User

Been a heavy popper user for over 12 years. I probably used it once a day to orgasm and i could not orgasm without it. I used different brands from rush to Amsterdam etc. Developed severe ringing in the ears so i stopped. Strangely and thankfully my eyesight was not damaged by poppers.

My life is now a living nightmare i could not cope with this loud ringing in my head. Its like being tortured 24/7. I even have suicide thoughts so the torture will stop. Nothing makes it better and everything makes it worse. I cant eat carbs, sugar, msg, caffeine,  anything good really Because it makes the ringing worse. I haven't been working for more than a year because my condition is mentally taxing.  Even typing this is really an effort because of the ringing, its so distracting. I have a life now with no relaxation and no peace at all which is the essence of life which we all want.

Im trying the antioxidant route which is NAC and astaxanthin. I hope this may be reversible or at least there is something to make the  volume lower. I just dont know what to do

Ex-Rush User

Hey man, thought I would reach out as after doing poppers 3 days ago I am in the same boat as you. I am so terrified. I don't feel ok. I've done poppers for maybe 2 years and have ordered Jungle Juice from an online retailer before and had no issues, this last bottle I got though, something is not right with me now. In the afternoons/evening now I get insane pressure on the right side of my head coupled with that same tinnitus/electrical buzzing you're talking about. I can feel this like pulsating in my head and half my head is numb. I want to fucking cry. I really have no idea what to do. Do I go to a doctor, admit everything. Has anything helped you. I cannot deal with this if it isn't going to go away. This is so dangerous. I will never in my life touch a popper again. Sorry to rant man, I just feel like I've made the biggest mistake of my life. The side effects I have experienced include continuous ongoing pressure headaches, tinnitus, numbness and tingling in face, hands and feet and a general feeling of disorientation. These effects happened directly after using the product on 26 June 2021.

Ex Jungle Juice User

I started using poppers at the beginning of 2013. I had just turned 30 and was otherwise healthy.
A friend who I had a casual sexual relationship with had me use poppers a few times prior to that. We’d have sex and use them, and it seemed like a better, more interesting way to enjoy sex. He coached me on how to use them.
I still remember when I decided to buy some online for the first time. I got them in my mailbox one day after work. It was off to the races, I would use them when I masturbated *almost* every time for the next 8 years.

At first, it didn’t seem like a big deal. It was an enhancement while watching porn. But I wanted to watch more porn, looking for the high that poppers brought. I would get dizzy after using them, occasionally over doing it and seeing stars, and being unsteady on my feet after a session. I also got burns around my nose.

I knew I had an issue with the “casual use” because I watched porn almost daily, sometimes more than one, and always used poppers. When i went on vacation, I was nervous about not being able to use them. I knew I had an issue but didn’t know exactly how it would end.

After years of use, my sessions would last 1-2 hours, huffing intermittently until I could get myself to climax. I did worry about the long lasting effects this would have on my body and my eyes.
In 2016, my doctor told me I had anemia, and wasn’t sure of the cause. At the time, he said he’d recheck it and see how it looked. When it didn’t clear up the following year, it wasn’t linked to poppers use, just to curbing my alcohol intake. While I didn’t drink excessively, I drank enough alcohol on a weekly basis to cut back. That seemed to make a small impact but the anemia stuck around. In 2018, I stated to worry it was affecting my eyes, since I had a tougher time seeing at night or in light/dark situations. Then, I read more about poppers and saw they could induce anemia, particularly the B12 deficient type I seemed to have.
I’m 2019, I started trying to stop using porn and poppers all together. It had noticeable effects when I had sex with my partner. I had tough times maintaining an erection or reaching climax since I was so conditioned to use poppers and porn. I struggled to stop and did better at times than others.

I also have the brain fog and difficulty concentrating than I am not sure exactly where it came from. Long term popper use? Maybe. Porn and poppers over riding all of my other emotions and thoughts since I was so consumed with doing those two things together for almost a decade? Could be. Or it could just be aging through my 30s. I feel poppers played some role as to where my cognitive function currently is.

Now, I have kicked the habit of not using poppers for a few months. Some of the brain and sex issues are evening out. I took my poppers use too far, too deep, too often. I wasted countless hours using them, alone in a bathroom. Now, I want my life back.

Ex Popper User

Hey dude. I came across your threads trying to research some stuff on my own I read one that said your symptoms started when using one called man scent, and another where you said it started when using one called something else.

For me it started when I was using one called Quick Silver for quite a while I was pretty clueless as to what was causing my symptoms which have just been lightheartedness. I started noticing it when I was tired, like in the morning or evening, and I probably used it a few times since then even. I had used several different poppers in the past with absolutely no lingering side effects. I then became feeling lightheaded all the time. End of last weekend I noticed I was feeling significantly less lightheaded, and I just had to try it again, if nothing else but to see if this was indeed the cause. And I really think it is, because 4 days later now I still feel lightheaded and now I am super concerned especially after reading your stuff I'm never touching them again, and I just pray to god I didn't fuck up the last chance I had of recovering from this feeling of being lightheaded, which seems like not a big deal compared to the symptoms you are dealing with, but still very concerning, as this is kind of an annoying feeling and makes getting up in the morning even more difficult. I read in one post you said all your symptoms were gone except for your tinnitus, but then I read somewhere else much later and after that post that you were experiencing all of the exact same symptoms, so it would be nice to know where you are at today. I've been to a GP and they've run several blood tests and all they could find was that I was low in Vitamin D, and a little low in B12. I'm trying to get a referral to neurology but I'm not sure what will come of it, or what they will be able to do.

Ex-Quick Silver user

I would have like to never had used poppers because I developed a very annoying Tinnitus that is making enjoying silence no longer possible.
I also have ruined my skin around the nose with fine visible red veins, and my joints are hurting most of the time.
I know it’s is all because of Poppers because before I stopped using them I remember that all the above symptoms where on a very high degree the morning after. I should have stopped. Those days I will recover after 3 days. Not anymore, the last time I use it the symptoms never wanted away.
So don’t be fooled, for a while you recover but than one day you no longer do !
And is not nice at all! Specially the ringing in your brain constantly….



To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing in regards to a recent experience I had with a popular recreational drug known as a "popper". I must stress that this was my first and only experience with a drug of any form other than one or two drinks every weekend. I work as a psychologist in my own private practice (as such I will be using a fake name to avoid identification), and consequently have studied and treated patients who have used almost every substance imaginable, both legal and illicit. I have thus seen the devastating effects drug use has on lives more times than I could possibly hope to count. The one common factor among my patients however, is the shared awareness that what they are putting in their body is harmful. They either believe the perceived 'benefits' of taking these drugs outweighs the damage they cause, or simply do not care. I have seen a number of LGBTQIA+ patients, some of which have mentioned 'poppers', but never with the same intensity as an illicit drug, or even a prescribed antidepressant. They mention them like they carry the same significance as brushing your teeth in the morning. When researching the drug, I can see why. There is little discussion surrounding the dangers of poppers, but numerous articles discussing the short, seemingly harmless high it brings and its sexual benefits. As such, when a close friend (who, like me, is a heterosexual man who has never used an illicit substance in his life) offered one to me, I believed it would be perfectly safe. "Safer than alcohol" according to some forum posts. I believed them, especially since my friend bought this bottle in a sex shop, not from a dealer on a street corner.

I sniffed a bottle of "Jungle Juice Platinum" twice from each nostril and enjoyed five seconds of lightheadedness and a feeling of relaxation, reminding me of the feeling of being tipsy for the first time. I felt fine for the rest of the night and went home. I woke up early with a slight hangover, which I found odd as I had had only two beers stretched out over a four hour period. So I drank some water and lay back down, a position I struggled to move from for the rest of the day. When I woke up again at noon, I could not stand up. I felt incredibly nauseous and dizzy, like I had just gotten off a rollercoaster. My head was pounding, my eyes stung, my vision was blurry and my nose and ears felt blocked, like I had the flu. Worryingly, I also felt like my ability to breathe had been reduced. I did not think for a second it could be due to a reportedly harmless drug, I thought I must have the flu. So I lay back down, and went back to sleep. These symptoms did not subside for over a week, and unlike the flu, I never experienced any mucus discharge, sore throat, or coughing. I took multiple RAT tests, all of which were negative. It was at this point that I began to question whether what was in that bottle was truly safe. I began to research my symptoms and found a few stories similar to my own. I do not think I saw a single one detailing a one time popper user, but many were from people who used them infrequently. I read some truly disturbing stories of people who are in great pain, yet are commonly dismissed by others due to the perceived harmlessness of the drug. "It must be something else", these people are continually told. "If it was that bad, it would be illegal".

After visiting a doctor and explaining the situation, I was told that I seemingly have very severe sinusitis, caused by inhaling poppers. People may argue that poppers are not heroin or crack cocaine, they are composed largely of amyl nitrate, a chemical which has historical medicinal use.

To that I would say:
a) No one truly knows what chemicals exist in these bottles as they are not regulated
b) Even if they are made of a chemical which has medicinal use, such chemicals can still have devastating effects on the body. I have seen patients unable to take antidepressants due to the severity at which their body reacts to them. A 'harmless' drug, to the wrong person, can be incredibly dangerous.

I write this so that other people do not make the same mistake I made. While I warn my patients of the consequences of drug use, they all understand the risks that come with their behaviour. They just do not wish, at this point in their life, to stop using. Poppers are different. People genuinely believe they are as safe as a pint of beer, if not safer, and that is why the government has not outright banned them. That needs to change. I have seen friends experience less of a bodily reaction to years of marijuana use, than my one time experience with poppers. Yet marijuana is banned in almost all of Australia (a decision I agree with). Marijuana distributors can not skirt this ban by labelling weed as a "VHS cleaner", so why can popper manufacturers get away with it? If we do not fully understand what is in these bottles, why are we allowing Australians to run the risk of permanently ruining their bodies? Why are they openly sold in sex shops to impressionable young adults who want to enhance their sexual pleasure or reduce the pain associated with anal sex? They need to be put under the same scrutiny as any other drug, and until then, they should not be freely available to purchase.

My symptoms have not fully subsided, but I am lucky I only used this drug once. There are thousands of Australians who continually use this substance, and every day they do they run the risk of causing irreparable damage to their bodies. I am sure people will find a way to get their hands on poppers, like any drug, but the fact they are easily accessible to everyone is ethically abhorrent. If someone wants to buy them from a friend while understanding it is illegal and carries risks like any other party drug, that is their choice. Do not allow them to be purchased from sex stores or online, like they as harmless as condoms. This needs to stop before more people are hurt.

Ex-Poppers User

I am 68 and did poppers for at least 12 years, long sessions and several times a week. It’s hard to write about this, because this is going to be an account of how I threw away my good fortune and pissed on the opportunity that God gave me. Poppers are the darling of the phone sex industry and I used them in that setting. I spent a mountain of money as well. That’s another story, but money is why poppers are used in the phone sex industry - poppers turn off executive function and you spend more. Ironically, I paid to be killed. Must really hate myself.

Beginning in March of 2021, my tinnitus, to which I had habituated, got really bad. I couldn’t sleep and my anxiety was at an all-time high. I was given trazodone and it was a blessing in helping me sleep because the tinnitus was very disruptive. The ratcheting up of the tinnitus was a warning of what was about to happen.

My annual physical showed low vitamin B-12 and D and that I was prediabetic. These were more warnings, but I did not associate these health issues with poppers. I started to lose weight but attributed this to my low carb diet because of the prediabetes.

My symptoms were all over the place and they all seemed unrelated. My voice became hoarse. My eyesight worsened. I became very constipated (don’t laugh). I became lightheaded. My eyes couldn’t adjust to changing light conditions. I had tingling in my feet and shooting pains in my arms and legs and I had trouble swallowing. In the new year all my symptoms worsened rapidly, but no one could pinpoint what was happening. I was too dumb to see that I had poisoned myself. I had a little brain power left to stop using poppers, but too late.

My right foot started to hurt more and more – it burned and numbness alternated with pins and needles. Tests showed that I had lost some feeling in my foot. Soon, the pain spread to my left foot and to my hands and arms to a lesser degree.
The pain has steadily progressed and now I am feeling that my legs are weakening. At night, my hands go dead and I have to repeatedly make a fist to revive them. I have constant headaches and involuntary tremors. Sleep, even with trazodone, is difficult and very low quality.

The worst part is that by using poppers I have damaged my brain. I have dementia. I have been screened for it and await a diagnosis. However, I can tell you that I have memory loss, confusion, trouble following stories, delusions, and hallucinations, which are all classic symptoms of dementia.

I believe I have the kind of dementia (Lewy Body) that also attacks vital bodily functions, such as digestion, vision, blood pressure, eyesight, hearing, balance and much more. It’s becoming more difficult to stand without being lightheaded. I have trouble even sitting. This is because the autonomic nervous system that controls all these functions is very badly damaged.

I have run out of doctors and my relationship with my wife is very strained. There is nothing anyone can do to help me get better. They only thing I can do is to warn others about this shit. DO NOT GO NEAR POPPERS!

No More Poppers

I'm a 34 years old, with healthy habits, like exercising regularly, and very good knowledge of healthy nutrition, which i do take very serious, except for one little thing, i used to sniff poppers regularly....and suddenly many health issues started, the one that convinced me to stop them was that i was diagnosed with ANEMIA.

i have been using Rush regularly for a year, lets say 5 or 6 times per week sniffing from 3 to 6 times on every use.
i can admit i used to think it was impossible to enjoy sex without it, since it felt amazing. i knew about the side effects and possible dangers of it but i thought they where just temporary or that i wont really affect me. Till i made a blood analysis and found a very advanced stage of ANEMIA. Obviously there are scientific studies that link Amyl Nitrite with an oxidative damage of red cells in blood linked to Anemia and even Leukemia, which is my case.

Not to mention blur vision that lasted for more than 24 hours, loss of visual acuity, and even sometimes i felt like fainting and losing consciousness after a High abuse of this.. I wont denied, i may use it again in the future, but just in very special occasions, like in rare occasions. THIS IS NOT TO BE USED ON A DAILY BASIS. if you are using it continuously make yourself a blood test to find if you already have blood damage or anemia. this is my experience, hope is useful.


I wanted to spice things up with my wife and read on the internet about poppers. Seemed pretty innocent, ranked as one of the least dangerous drugs. The gay community seemed to praise it, with many people saying they've used it for years with no issues.

I've tried plenty of other drugs - weed, shrooms, extasy, amphetamines, cocaine, so as usual I researched possible side effects and it sounded much safer, and being a guy who likes to experiment, I wanted to try it and see how it feels during sex. I've tried 2-3 times at parties, so I knew the effect.

So I went online and bought a bottle. I discussed it with my wife and she wanted to try too and said don't open it let us both try it. But I still insisted I try it myself to see how strong it is, what after effects it has, so it doesn't fuck us both if something's not right. I'm extremely glad I didn't listen to her and give her to try it.

So I wanted to popperbate. Found a good porn, got myself all hot, opened the bottle and sniffed it. Felt really good, did it 3-4 more times before finishing up for the night and getting to bed.

Then the next day came. And oh boy if I knew what I'm setting up myself into, I never would have even thought about trying it. With all of the other drugs I tried, unless you binge it hard, you really won't be that out of line. You get up, brush your teeth, make some coffee and sit to work. With this poison it's completely different. I feel like I've melted my brain and made myself stupider. Brain fog, trouble concentrating, dizziness, sometimes vertigo, cold sweats, neck stiffness and forehead pain, depression. I'm constantly spaced out and can't seem to get myself to do anything. I'm anxious as fuck and can't do my job at all. I woke up early and couldn't sleep. When I try to close my eyes it's just black and I seem to not have the ability to think about stuff, just watching the back of my eyelids. It's still too early to say if it will have long-lasting effects, I do hope I fully recover, but I'm pretty sure I made myself at least a little bit brain-damaged. I instantly threw out the bottle in the garbage bin and have no desire to ever ever get close to this poison. Just not worth it.

never again