The Truth about Poppers – Check out the forums as well as my horror story!
Welcome to the underground world of poppers
no accountability, no verifiable quality control, lack of regulation and standards, unknown consistencies, unknown ingredients, counterfeits, doubts in veracity of manufacturers and silence on any questions about their products from both importers, manufacturers and retailers about anything to do with with their product.
Check out our Personal stories as well as the harmless lie page regarding the growing concern of Poppers and Manufacturers.
The point of this website is just to reinforce their serious disclaimer.
A constant Electrical buzzing vibration that I can feel throughout my head, severe Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), movement in my head when I walk around, constant Eye floaters as well as sensitivity to bright lights and hearing. These are my symptoms after using a product made by Jungle Juice Manufacturer - (Locker Room Marketing) who won't reply with any details of the chemicals they used in their products - ignoring emails.
FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use nitrite “poppers” which can result in serious adverse health effects, including death. These products are marketed as nail polish removers but are being ingested or inhaled for recreational use.
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) June 24, 2021
“Poppers” are sold online or at adult novelty stores and packaged in small bottles, ranging from 10 to 40 mL. They appear similar to energy shots, with brand names including Jungle Juice, Extreme Formula, HardWare, Quick Silver and Super RUSH.
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) June 24, 2021
We will continue tracking reports of adverse events resulting from the ingestion or inhalation of nitrite “poppers." Contact your health care provider immediately if you are experiencing illness after using these products. Report issues to FDA here:
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) June 24, 2021
But French points to one important distinction between those drugs and inhalants. “The long-term use of inhalants leads to irreversible damage to the brain,” he says, adding he has never seen long-term nicotine use cause such damage. “It certainly can damage the lungs because it’s taken in by through smoke. But there’s no doubt, the pathology people have seen this for years and years, that people who abuse inhalants for a long period of time, they have irreversible brain damage.”
Please take a moment to answer some of the below polls that can help people better understand the risks with using poppers

Are Poppers Dangerous? Are Poppers Neurotoxic? Can poppers affect my Vision?

What are Poppers?
The term poppers refers to a few street drugs that are snorted or inhaled. Although amyl nitrite is the most infamous of the chemical formulas, poppers are not exclusively this molecule, and in fact, many people confuse amyl nitrite and amyl nitrite. The chemical amyl nitrite is an additive to fuel, and like other industrial chemicals abused as inhalants, it can cause a brief, intense, and dangerous high; amyl nitrite, on the other hand, was developed to treat angina or chest pain related to heart disease. However, amyl nitrite is also abused for nonmedical reasons, specifically as a party drug that initially became trendy among the queer community.
The Neurotoxicity of Poppers
Any drug that changes how blood flows through the body puts the brain at risk of damage. In addition to damage to the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidneys, poppers are very neurotoxic. One study from 2016 reported that three types of alkyl nitrites – butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, and isoamyl nitrite – reduced the ability of rodents to perform tasks involving learning and memory. When mice were given these drugs, they were unable to learn information about a water maze, and they were also unable to remember important information when reintroduced to the maze.
Since poppers have been abused by adolescents, queer, and young adults for several decades, medical researchers have evidence that abuse of these drugs can cause irreversible brain damage. The cerebral cortex and cerebellum are the areas most affected, so sensory processing, movement and balance, vision, learning, language, mood, and cognition are greatly harmed.
The exact mechanisms that lead to brain damage from abusing poppers are complex, but sudden, rapid opening of blood vessels, quick changes in blood pressure, and the speedy introduction of damaging chemicals can all quickly damage areas of the brain by starving it of oxygen. This drug is toxic to many organs in the body, but it is especially neurotoxic.
All chemical formulas of poppers are vasodilators, meaning they relax or widen the blood vessels to allow better oxygen flow through the body. Some of these chemicals increase heart rate, too, leading to increased risks such as sudden sniffing death syndrome. We stand side-by-side with the makers of the popper companies stating that these should NOT be used for human consumption as they are extremely dangerous. We just want to let people know of the dangers of inhaling this product and we know that the companies know the danger because on one of the manufacturer’s website (Locker room Marketing) it states the following;
CAUTION: Not for human consumption. Flammable. Keep away from open flames. Keep out of reach of children. No smoking. In case of fire:use water for extinguishing fire. Keep container tightly closed. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated area . Wear protective gloves/clothing/eye protection. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Do not inhale. If on skin:Remove immediately all contaminated clothing, rinse skin with water. If swallowed:rinse mouth. If inhaled: remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call physician if you feel unwell. Store in a well ventilated space. Keep cool.
Wow – Talk about a warning, It really covers everything here. They really don’t want you coming in contact with the liquid or the fumes and even go so far as saying you should be wearing gloves. Thanks for letting us know guys and warning us of the danger in the product. I guess this means that if we clean our VHS tapes (Seriously?) or use it to clean our leather (Surely there are cheaper options) that we should really be doing this outside in a well ventilated area. However it then appears that for the people who use it as a room deoderiser because they prefer the smell of dirty old socks as opposed to lavender and strawberry fields that it probably is not a very good idea as it needs to be a WELL ventilated area. Once again, just re-read the above warning… Is this something you really want to be inhaling? On the lockerroom Marketing webpage they have 27 different varieties of leather cleaners. One would have to wonder why one company makes so many different formulas for cleaning leather if that is the sole reason for selling a product!
Types of Chemicals Considered Poppers
The slang term poppers comes from the original version of the prescription medication amyl nitrite, which was available in ampules that were popped open so the gas could be inhaled. Amyl nitrite, nitrite, and alkyl nitrite have been used as angina medication since they were first developed for this use in 1844, but they have also been illicitly abused drugs, especially among the queer and club culture, since the 1970s. The chemicals in this family can cause a “rush,” a rapid-onset euphoria that can lead to brain damage and problems with circulation. However in recent years more and more countries due to the danger are replacing the somewhat safer original chemical with more dangerous nitrites that are causing further and more disturbing issues. Simply have a look through our Forums which is only catered for health orientated posts – at some of the many vast amounts of people who have developed issues and problems after using poppers. When you read through the forums one disturbing issue is the idea that many people are unsure of what poison they have sniffed and some have gone as fair as making their own nitrite acid themselves in the hopes of making it as pure as they possibly can to prevent any complications.- Amyl nitrite: This inhalant will cause brief intoxication characterized by giddiness, excitability, low inhibitions, and increased sensual awareness. While the chemical may feel good for a few minutes, the outward signs of intoxication can be frightening and harmful. Unsteady gait, loss of coordination, and falling put the person in physical danger while glassy or red eyes, trouble breathing, rashes around the nose and mouth, inflammation of the tissues in the nose or mouth, and nosebleeds can all indicate the type of drug the person abused. Fatigue, intense headache, queasiness and vomiting, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, confusion, and delirium are all risky effects as well. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, violent behavior toward oneself or others, high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat, and sudden death are all possibilities regardless of dose or tolerance to the drug. Ongoing abuse of amyl nitrite can also cause long-term harm, including brain damage, heart disease, liver damage, and kidney failure. Permanent hearing loss; damage to bone marrow, impacting blood and immune system health; permanently slurred speech; and chronic physical tremors can also limit one’s ability to enjoy life.
- Amyl nitrite: In its prescription form, amyl nitrite relaxes the blood vessels, which allows the supply of blood and oxygen easier access to the heart without the heart muscle itself working harder to keep circulation flowing. However, a nonmedical dose of amyl nitrite can lead to an intense, sudden high that quickly goes away. Abusing the drug like this can cause serious heart and blood vessel problems long-term, and it can cause sudden death from asphyxiation in the short-term.
- Alkyl nitrite: The more common and popular chemical found in poppers these days, this drug can cause a fast and short high with severe side effects. Headaches are the most common side effect associated with alkyl nitrites, but the drug can also cause harm to the heart muscle, damage to several areas of the brain, skin rashes, flushing in the face, restlessness, hearing loss, nausea and vomiting, and even sudden death. Asphyxiation from the sudden inability to breathe due to intoxication is considered an overdose on poppers, and it has killed many people.
- Butyl nitrite: Like the other formulas found in poppers, butyl nitrite causes a fast, intense rush to the head as blood vessels open. The chemical relaxes blood vessels and increases heart rate at the same time, so blood flows faster to all organs and more rapidly delivers oxygen. The head rush from butyl nitrite has, according to some anecdotal reports, changed some people’s perception of time, indicating that the drug may have mild psychedelic effects in addition to the energetic intoxication. Like other chemicals in the nitrite family, butyl nitrite can cause sudden death, and long-term abuse damages the muscles, heart, blood vessels, brain, liver, and kidneys.
Statement's Made Regarding Amyl
Hon Chris Pyne MP
SA AIDS Council
NDARC, 2000
Hon Dennis Hood,
Family First, 19/11/2007
Hon Jillian Skinner,
NSW Health Minister via Clover Moore (Sydney Mayor)
May 2012
Aust Financial Review 04/07/2008, Review p10
E-evolution/MCV, 29/09/2010, p28
DNA #93, p82
Hon Paul Holloway,
Labor Party, Jul/Aug 2007
Poppers is one of the biggest money maker in the queer community but why isn’t anyone warning more about the danger that is associated with them? With all the advertisements that are out there regarding STD’s and safe sex practices when was the last time you saw a health warning or information on any queer orientated publication about the dangers of sniffing poppers? Where are the warnings about Popper Maculopathy as well as other vision related issues that come as a result of sniffing poppers. If people aren’t aware of these reactions they will be less likely to link their use of poppers with them. Are we standing by and allowing unscrupulous manufacturers to play us for fools while they rake in money by selling us VHS, leather and room deoderisers purely to get around local laws and health and safety requirements? What loyalty did these companies ever show the gay community for us to be so protective against the drug that they make? Let’s call it for what it is – Solvent abuse. One of the worst categories of drugs to get involved with. Please check the forums and the personal experiences for concerns that other uses have had. Please don’t think that sniffing poppers is harmless. One has to question whether these drugs and others are contributing factors to the queer communities higher suicide rate, high rate of depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions. May you pause for a second before you decide to use poppers in the future and wonder whether or not this drug is worth the brief moment of bliss you get from being high. This site comes out of a place of love for wanting to warn people about the dangers of a drug that sounds relatively harmless at first but can get you hooked and addicted in no time. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to contribute to this site.