Locker Room Marketing


Locker Room Marketing
Locker Room Marketing (LRM) – owner of perhaps one of the worlds most popular “leather cleaner” – ‘Jungle juice’ also make in total about 27 other types of ‘Leather cleaner’s’ available for those people who wish to clean all of the 27 different types of leather that is out there….. Once again, we stand in unity with Locker room marketing and are just emphasizing the dangers of inhaling their products. The types of leather cleaner’s that are sold come under the very interesting names of;
Blue Boy
Blue Thunder
Cuckoo’s Nest
Iron Horse
Jungle Juice Gold
Jungle Juice Black
Jungle Juice Blue
Jungle Juice Platinum
Jungle Juice Plus
Man Scent
New Amsterdam
Real Amsterdam
Real Rochefort
Super Reds
Once again they have a clear disclaimer on their website showing the dangers of inhaling their product in a very strongly worded message. So if your purchasing this product to get a high from it you should definitely take note of the severity of their warning. This disclaimer on the bottle is so small that many users would have no idea how serious the warning is unless they were to go to the Jungle Juice website themselves.
I had previously purchased one of their products and went ahead and emailed them requesting further information about what nitrite was used in their product. I expected a level of customer service that a typical company would provide but instead as you can see in the below interaction they had no real interest in assisting their customers. I think it would be a reasonable request to ask a company about the chemical contained in their products after all I don’t think this is comparable to the Colonel Sanders secret Recipe. Companies that manufacture ‘leather cleaners’ often use different chemicals to get around local health and safety laws due to it not being used for ‘human consumption’. The Australian government’s TGA division also found that popper labels can be misleading and not give a clear indication of identity and contents. For those of you who are purchasing this product because it is a well known product and think it is safe – hopefully the below correspondence will make you think twice of the level of interest this company has in assisting their customers!
To: Me
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 2:56 PM
Subject: Product Complaint
Hello ***,
Please email me a detailed description of your complaint.
Thank you,
To: Locker Room Marketing
Sent: 24/06/2020 9:28:28 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Product Complaint
Hi ****.
I want to confirm that your supplier sells to the *****************************
I purchased a 15ml of ********** - with the attached images on the 27 Apr 2020. Can you confirm it came from your supplier
as well as if it did you should have a way of validating the batch with the numbers on the side, along with what is in it.
To: '********@*****.***' <*******@*****.***>
Sent: 1/07/2020 1:05:45 AM
Subject: RE: Re[2]: FW: Product Complaint
Hello ******,
I have forwarded your complain from our local distributor. They will be dealing with you directly.
Thank you,
To: Locker Room Marketing
Sent: 7/07/2020 8:56:33 PM
Subject: Re[4]: FW: Product Complaint
Hi ****.
I have still not heard from the local distributor, but I have also asked questions regarding your product, the contents of it as well as the batch number used for verification.
To: Locker Room Marketing
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:08 AM
Subject: Re[6]: FW: Product Complaint
Hi ****.
I have still not received a response from you where I have asked multiple questions about a product of yours.
I'm not to sure why I am having to continue to chase up on this.
To: Me
Sent: 18/07/2020 1:12:59 AM
Subject: RE: Re[6]: FW: Product Complaint
Hello ******,
As I have said in our previous conversations, please deal directly with the local store you purchased it from. I have forwarded your complaint to our local distributor in your area.
Thank you,
To: Locker Room Marketing
Sent: 18/07/2020 3:08:22 PM
Subject: Re[8]: FW: Product Complaint
Hi ****.
Thank you for finally responding after 17 days.
I have spoken to the place of purchase and they can't give me any details. Your local distributor has also failed to contact me.
I am emailing the company that makes the product directly to ask if they could verify based on the pictures I have sent
to verify what ingredient is contained in the bottle of the picture that I sent through. It's a rather simple request and I don't see the issue.
To: Locker Room Marketing
Sent: 23/07/2020 7:50:00 PM
Subject: Re[8]: FW: Product Complaint
Hi ****.
I'm emailing again the company who makes the product to verify the chemical that is used in your product.
You have also not provided any details regarding your distributor apart from saying you have 'passed on my complaint'
I do not understand the secrecy surrounding responding to these questions.
Hi ******,
Can you send me a photo of the product you purchased and I will be able to answer your questions.
Many Thanks,
To: Australian Offical Distributor
Sent: 06/08/2020 10:00:05 AM
Subject: Lockerroom product
These are the products and was just curious with what type of chemical is used in it as I believe you are the distributor for *******.
To: Australian Offical Distrubtor
Sent: 15/08/2020 5:06:00 PM
Subject: Re: Lockerroom product
Hi. I have still not received a response.
To: Australian Offical Distrubtor
Sent: 24/08/2020 1:30:00 PM
Subject: Re: Lockerroom product
I still have yet to receive a response from you. This is now my third email.
To: Australian Official Distrubutor
Sent: 27/08/2020 4:16:00 PM
Subject: Re: Lockerroom product
This is now my fourth email.
I'm struggling to understand why you have failed to respond to any emails, unless you are in hospital with COVID or have since passed away.
If this is not the case can you please respond to my initial email.
To: Australian Official Distriubtor
Sent: 11/09/2020 7:24:00 PM
Subject: Re: Lockerroom product
This is now my 5th Email to you requesting simple information.
I'm starting to be very concerned if you yourself are not sure of the chemicals in the products that you import to Australia.
It's really a simple question that I'm asking.
To: Australian Official Distrubtor
Sent: 02/10/2020 12:42:00 PM
Subject: Re: Lockerroom product
This is now my sixth email to you.
I have asked you questions about the product you distribute in Australia and would like you to answer them please.
To: Locker Room Marketing & Australian Official Distrubutor
Sent: 12/10/2020 6:35:19 PM
Subject: Re[5]: Lockerroom product
Hi ****.
Thank you so much for getting your Australian Distrubutor to contact me.
I have to say though, he hasn't been much helpful. I sent him a picture of the product as well as the details - and 6 emails later he has yet to respond as you can see below. I'm wondering what you would think of this and potentially the reason why he would not respond after 6 different emails?
To: Locker Room Media
Sent: 22/10/2020 9:47:28 PM
Subject: Re[7]: Lockerroom product
****, you are starting to portray your company in a very negative and bad way. Having a customer request what chemical is used in a product is not unrealistic to ask. My doctor has requested to know what chemical has been used in that product. The idea that you feel as though you can ignore this question is very dissapointing and a reflection on your integrity and your companies transparency with their customers. Let me know what chemical is used in the product that I have purchased.
To: Australian Official Distrubtor
Sent: 23/11/2020 11:23:00 AM
Subject: Re[5]: Lockerroom product
Hi ****.
I'm continuing to ask your information about products that you import into Australia. Are you unaware of what are the contents in the poppers?
Is there a reason over the course of the last 4 months you would not want to respond to a rather simple request?
To: Locker Room Media
Sent: 23/11/2020 11:30:22 AM
Subject: Re[8]: Lockerroom product
Hi ****.
I'm continuing to chase up from all the way back in June regarding a product that you make and distribute.
Apart from getting the local distributor of your products to contact me who is also not responding, I find it very confusing and interesting that you would not want to assist helping me either.
It takes a very strong minded person who refuses to reply to an email requesting information that a doctor has asked for, perhaps a person / company who has no concern or value for human life.
If you are producing a chemical and a product this would be easy information that you are able to give.
Awaiting for your response.
To date we have still not received any response from either Locker room Marketing or the Australian distributor. It’s a little bit of a concern when your exporting chemicals to the world and importing chemicals into Australia but no one can confirm what is in the product. For those who buy poppers based on their labels and knowing the brand this should make you absolutely question what is in your product and the lack of response and interest showing by both the manufacturer as well as the distributors especially with such a colt following of the Jungle Juice Brand. Our purpose of this website is to create a one stop destination for the risks of harm from using poppers and unfortunately due to the lack of response from this company and distributor as well as the growing concerns of reported side effects on forums located around the internet it is something that needs to be brought to attention of the appropriate health department and users alike.
Research points to poppers being dangerous and companies themselves admit that they are leather cleaners / VHS cleaners which would make them in the same category as solvents. Do you think these government sources / health bodies would have more knowledge of the dangers of this carcinogenic drug then the guy who you last hooked up with? If you really want to be in awe of how complex and incredible our brain is – check out this podcast about the human brain from a health department in Australia – and how little we actually know about it. Why would you want to risk any harm to one of the most complex computer systems that controls everything from your sleep to your thoughts, emotions and every part of your body by altering the flow of blood to vessels in your head. Check out the Personal Stories page to hear first hand experiences from people that have noticed issues after using poppers and with the help of this website more and more people are starting to understand the massive dangers with using poppers.
We are trying to warn a community that has taken exception to a drug so much that it has become normal for men to be introduced and taught that there is no risk associated with sniffing poppers and these are typically people would who would never touch a more harder drug. Most comments that we have written about sharing peoples experience’s with poppers have been both deleted or shadow banned on forums. Your health and Peace of mind is worth more than any Inhalant or any company that puts profits over the health of their customers. If you have used poppers and have had any side effects, please report the concern to your countries health department and let us know so that we can start slowly breaking the common misconception about poppers. If you are living in Canada and have purchased a product from a retail store – please use the below form to report this to the authorities as it is illegal to Sell in Canada. Please also see below the two recent recalls regarding Locker room Media’s poppers in Canada. The FDA have also recently sent out a health alert warning people not to use poppers and one has to wonder to what extent it caused the FDA to issue such a stern warning. Together we can help Locker room marketing by warning others the dangers of inhaling their products.
Unauthorized products may pose serious health risks
(May 17, 2019 – Part 1)
Unauthorized products may pose serious health risks
(October 21, 2020)